Friday, July 5, 2024

Reasons Why Blackjack is Better Than Poker

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Poker is hitting a huge boom all over the place from the best online casinos to the huge World Series of Poker, but when it comes right down to it Black Jack is still the biggest game and the most fun to play.

I think giving you the top 5 reasons why blackjack is a better game than poker is sufficient evidence as to the superiority of the game of Black Jack.

Blackjack is quick, you do not have to sit and wait for people to think. It either hit me or stays and that is all there is to it.

Black Jack is by far a much easier game to learn to play. Since the basis of the game is to beat the dealer’s hand with a 21, there is not really so much that you have to learn in comparison the poker.

You get to play against the dealer when playing blackjack, which is not usually the case when playing poker. This is better because you do not have to worry about what the other players are thinking. This is not an advantage but you do not have to worry about body language and the like.

Hitting 21 or Black Jack is just exciting, an automatic win. By all means, poker is interesting, but how often are you dealt the Royal Flush? Well in blackjack it is possible to be dealt black jack repeatedly in one sitting and I will say it is definitely more exciting hitting a blackjack than seeing a guy with a pair of 7s beat a guy with a pair of 4s.

In blackjack it is up to you to win, now it is also the same in poker, but if you lose to someone else you can not blame the dealer. Now many people would say why blame the dealer anyway? I will tell you, the dealer has only dealt the cards, you can only blame yourself for losing. It has to do with how you play. So it is easier to take a loss in a hand in blackjack than it is in poker.

Finding the game that you identify most with is the game you should stick with. If it is poker than be a poker player in all the poker rooms you can find, or if it is blackjack then put on your smart clothes and pick your seat at the casino blackjack table because, in my opinion, blackjack is the best casino game there is.